
Getting our dux in a row

Getting our dux in a row

Stephen was interviewed by the Herald on Sunday about his school career and advice for students today.  Read the article here Relieved parents send their kids back to school tomorrow for a new term full of hopes and dreams for the future. Joanna Mathers tracks down...

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Trade and resilient agri-business

Trade and resilient agri-business

Stephen spoke to the Federated Farmers' annual conference in Wellington on 2 July.  Read his speech here. Resilience is about equipping farmers to survive and prosper in the face of external shocks and stresses - be they climate-related, or pests and diseases, or to...

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Emerging trade agreements

Emerging trade agreements

Stephen spoke to the Primary Industry Summit in Wellington on 25 May.  Read his speech here. I'd like to start today by asking the question - why do we seek negotiate trade agreements in the first place, especially when they seem so hard to I'll then give you a sense...

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The case for trade

The case for trade

Stephen addresses the Nelson branch of the NZ Institute of International Affairs here. I'm here to make the case for trade but in some respects there is no need to make such a case here in Nelson. This region lives by its exports of seafood, wood, horticulture, wine,...

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Is there still hope for TPP?

Is there still hope for TPP?

Stephen assesses the prospects for the Trans Pacific Partnership in 2015 here. The big question for trade policy watchers as we start a new year is whether the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations might be concluded.  Last year I thought negotiations could be...

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APEC in Beijing – let a thousand flowers bloom

APEC in Beijing – let a thousand flowers bloom

Read Stephen's latest commentary on the outlook for the November APEC Summit  here The 23 New Zealand business leaders attending the APEC event might well say “let a thousand flowers bloom” – with a foot in TPP and RCEP and a strong relationship with China and our...

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A hitch hiker’s guide to trade agreements

A hitch hiker’s guide to trade agreements

Read Stephen's presentation to U3A in Wellington in which he outlines the background to New Zealand's trade with the rest of the world, the Government's approach to trade policy and the state of the TPP negotiations.

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Lifting export performance

Lifting export performance

Read Stephen's article in the National Business Review in which he outlines some things that need to happen to lift New Zealand's exports "Competition today is less between countries than between competing value chains.  New Zealand’s ability to participate depends on...

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