Speeches and Presentations

Making trade work better – remarks to London JustShare event

Making trade work better – remarks to London JustShare event

On 30 May 2018 Stephen spoke to an event organised by JustShare at St Mary-le-Bow church in the City of London.  The theme was how trade can be made to work better for people including women, indigenous people and sectors like small business.  Here is what he had to...

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NZ China Council releases Belt and Road report

NZ China Council releases Belt and Road report

On 1 May 2018 Stephen joined in launching the NZ China Council's report "Belt and Road Initiative - A Strategic Pathway", prepared by PwC.  Full details can be found at www.beltandroad.co.nz. Here's what Stephen had to say at the launch: It is a pleasure to be able to...

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CPTPP: Six ways and more to help #SME Leap

CPTPP: Six ways and more to help #SME Leap

Stephen addressed the SME Leap Summit in Auckland on 31 January.  Here's what he had to say:  It’s great to be here and thank you Tenby Powell for the invitation and for your leadership in putting this event together. Tenby has not only shown considerable foresight in...

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Asia Pacific Integration – with or without the United States?

Asia Pacific Integration – with or without the United States?

This is the text of an address Stephen gave to the Asia Forum in Wellington on 7 February 2017. It’s good to be with you this evening and to have this early opportunity, as a new year unfolds, to speak about the outlook for trade and investment in the Asia Pacific...

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“Friends with benefits – CER, SEM and TPP”

“Friends with benefits – CER, SEM and TPP”

Stephen was pleased to address a business breakfast organised by the Australian Consulate-General, Austrade and the University of Sydney.  The subject was the economic relationship with Australia - here's Stephen's speech: It’s a pleasure to be with you this morning...

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TPP Unwrapped

TPP Unwrapped

Stephen is giving a number of addresses about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the implications for New Zealand.  See here for an address he gave in Nelson to the NZ Institute for International Affairs on 5 April. Other addresses are available on the Tradeworks...

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TPP and Latin America

TPP and Latin America

In a speech to the Latin American Business Council Stephen outlines how TPP will impact on the relationship between New Zealand and Latin America especially Chile, Mexico and Peru. Read the speech here.

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