Speeches and Presentations

TPP – where to from here (and how did we get here anyway?)

TPP – where to from here (and how did we get here anyway?)

Read Stephen's speech to the Wellington branch of the NZ Institute for International Affairs (NZIIA) here As we look at where we have got to with TPP, we see a deal which is at last coming together in its final form. To un-pack all this today and to help explain...

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The case for trade

The case for trade

Stephen addresses the Nelson branch of the NZ Institute of International Affairs here. I'm here to make the case for trade but in some respects there is no need to make such a case here in Nelson. This region lives by its exports of seafood, wood, horticulture, wine,...

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TPP and the primary industries

TPP and the primary industries

Mention of TPP causes different reactions - fear and loathing in some quarters, unbridled optimism in others. Today we meet against the backdrop of the most recent gathering of TPP Trade Ministers in Singapore. In a pattern that has been repeated several times in...

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The next generation of FTAs – what does business want?

The next generation of FTAs – what does business want?

While in Qingdao , China, for the APEC Senior Officials' meeting Stephen spoke to a workshop focused on sharing information between free trade agreements in operation in the Asia Pacific region.  He outlined what business wants to see from FTAs and what the APEC...

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Preparing for FTA negotiations

Preparing for FTA negotiations

On 6-10 May Stephen was in Qingdao, China, attending meetings of APEC Senior Officials. On 6 May he addressed a workshop aimed at helping APEC economies to prepare for FTA negotiations.  He spoke about the importance of consulting with the business community: "More...

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Think global, act global

Think global, act global

On 2 May 2014 Stephen was honoured to join the community of Whititreia International at their graduation ceremony.  In his address to graduands Stephen urged them to take advantage of the new dimensions of a globalized world: "You have heard it said:  “think global,...

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