No this is not a trade war!

No this is not a trade war!

 In this article I argue for calm when trade issues arise. Some years ago I wrote “when elephants fight, it gets tough on the grass”.  That was when the United States under President George W Bush was blocking steel imports from New Zealand and other countries.  It...

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Under the microscope:  TPP and copyright

Under the microscope: TPP and copyright

In this article Stephen is joined by copyright expert Ken Moon of A J Park to discuss the impact of TPP's provisions on copyright in New Zealand. "The TPP intellectual property provisions, while a complex set of legal commitments, will not result in much change to the...

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Emerging trade agreements

Emerging trade agreements

Stephen spoke to the Primary Industry Summit in Wellington on 25 May.  Read his speech here. I'd like to start today by asking the question - why do we seek negotiate trade agreements in the first place, especially when they seem so hard to I'll then give you a sense...

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